Demystifying Microorganisms

Scientific Definition

Micro-organism/microbe (n.) \ ˌmī-krō-ˈȯr-gə-ˌni-zəm

Any organism of microscopic size.


Underground micro-heroes

Tiny little living creatures

But what does this mean?!

With the proper mixture of water, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen, micro-organisms are able to break down your food scraps into compost, which is why they are RBR’s micro-heroes! There are many types of microorganisms found in active compost; the most common are bacteria, archaea, protozoa, algae, fungi, and viruses. These little creatures are what brings life to our soils. 

And how does it affect you?

The abundance of microorganisms make compost a biodiverse ecosystem. This biodiversity is key for not only the health of our soils, but the health of the planet’s ecosystems too. When our soils and ecosystems are diverse with different types of life, it’s like a system of checks and balances in place that control things like pests and disease. Most of the current agriculture systems are not operating in a way that allows for microorganisms and biodiversity. By giving RBR your food scraps each week you help our underground micro-heroes thrive allowing for healthy soil creation for local farms growing your food. 

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Go to the Tilth soil website to get a bag of our living soil with microorganisms included. 

References include: Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary